



代表取締役会長  相井 宣章

To pursue the spiritual and material happiness of all people related to our employees, customers, suppliers and shareholders based upon the criteria that is ‘what's right?’ , instead of the profit or loss.

‘Ware tada taruwo shiru’ (we should be satisfied at the moderate level) The destruction of humanity by the explosive growth of the population becomes entirely not fiction, to contribute mankind by spreading the culture of the great Japanese of ‘Mottainai’ and “Know Enough” world.

Green Environment International was just established in June of 2010. It is a stage of a baby still tottering. We will work harder than anyone to realize this aspiration. So please give us the continued encouragement, and guidance.

green environment international inc.
C.E.O.  Nobuaki Soi

経営理念 / Mission Statement


To provide opportunities for all of our stake holders to pursue their material and spiritual happiness, and through our joint effort, contribute to the realization of world in which people are satisfied at the modest level and as a result to the sustainability of mankind.

社是 / Corporate Motto


Respect Devine and Love People.

経営方針 / Management Principle

  1. お客様第一主義。お客様があってこそ、物心両面の幸福が成し遂げられる。
  2. 『何が正しいか』を全ての判断基準にし、正々堂々と利潤を追求する。苦境にあるときも卑怯な振る舞いがあってはならない。勇気を持ってことにあたる。
  3. 仲間を助ける。縁あって一緒に働くことになった仲間は貴重な存在。一致団結して目標達成に邁進し、働いていて楽しい職場を作る。
  4. 本音で議論する。従業員同士が本音で議論しないと、いいもの、いいサービスは生まれない。それは上司部下、年齢性別にかかわらない。その行動が正しいかどうか、受注につながるかどうか、利益の向上につながるかどうか、顧客満足度の向上につながるかどうか、業務の効率化につながるかどうかをベースに考え、誰かがそれに反した行動をしたときは相手が誰であっても指摘されなければならない。ただし思いやりの心で誠実に。
  5. ガラス張りの経営。売り上げ、利益、利益の分配、経費の使い道 など個人情報以外、全ての経営数値を社内に公開する。
  6. 一対一の対応。伝票なくして物、カネを動かさない。
  7. 売上極大、経費極小。
  8. 企業の永続を第一義に考える。短期的な利益よりも会社が永続することを優先する。利益を出し、税金を納めることと雇用を守ることで国、社会に貢献し、内部留保を厚くする。慎重に成長していく。
  9. 常に創造的な仕事をする。前例や常識に囚われず、常にロジカルにベストなソリューションを求める。
  10. 誰にも負けない努力をする。
  11. 人格を高め経営を伸ばす。利己的な心を払拭し、利他の心で。謙虚にして驕らず。
  12. 能力は未来進行形で捉える。今できないことでも半年後、1年後にはできるようになる。それこそが発展につながる道。
  13. 全員参加経営。それぞれの従業員が経営者意識を持ち仕事に従事する。大家族主義で経営する。

  1. Customer comes first. Making customers happy is only way to achieve our material and spiritual happiness goal.
  2. By making any decisions based on basic truths and principles, we pursue profit fairly. Face evry challenge with courage. Never allow fear to compromise your ethics.
  3. Do our best to our colleagues. By working harder for our colleagues, trusting others and forming close working relationships, we are able to establish an outstanding work group.
  4. Discuss frankly. To complete a job together in a responsible manner, everyone involved must be able to freely point out problems or each other’s mistakes. Do not let an attitude of “it’s good enough” to prevail. You must frankly discuss “what is the right thing to do”. It is a mistake to be aware of shortcomings or errors and hesitate to point them out, fear of being disliked or spoiling workplace harmony. Whether the action is right, resulting in closing the sale, in increasing customer satisfaction, profit and efficiency of workflow, you have to tell anyone when even your boss’s action is against these criteria. However, be kind-hearted and sincere.
  5. Transparent Management. Our system, including the financial aspect, is completely open to all employees.
  6. Adhere to the principal of one-to-one correspondence. In dealing with business matters, we should not use a lamp-sum method. Each deal must be clearly and accurately handled.
  7. Maximize revenues and minimize expense. Measure your inflow and control your outflow: don’t chase profit, but let it follow your effort.
  8. Perpetuation of the company if the first priority. We value long term goal more than short term profit. By making profit, we pay tax, employee more people contribute the local community, and increase retained earnings. We grow careful manner.
  9. Always be creative. We do not rely on “business commonsense” or standard practices, but we come up with the best logical solutions.
  10. Strive harder than anyone else. Work steadily and diligently, one step at a time, never relenting in tedious tasks.
  11. Emphasizing on self integrity while engaging in Making GEI grow. By reducing self centered interest, increase altruism. Always be humble.
  12. Pursue unlimited human potential. If we only let our current potential choose which future accomplishments are feasible, nothing new or challenging could ever be achieved. We must always believe in our unlimited potential and maintain an attitude that bravely meets all challenges.
  13. Management by all. Every member is free to voice opinions, express concern and participate in management. Cherishes the mutual trust that ties us together as a family, sharing the joys and sorrows of others as our own. This is the basis that connects all GEI employees.